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Retrain Your Brain with Mind Movies

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Do you believe that your thoughts, beliefs & focus have the power to affect what you create in your reality?

Do you think that connecting to your 2023 vision daily could help you manifest your dreams faster?

Would you like a consistent manifestation practice for 2023 that just takes a few minutes a day and is actually FUN to do?

Then this workshop is for you!

In this workshop you’ll learn how to:

  • Easily put together a 3 minute video that will help you connect with your dreams in a fun and inspiring way every single day, helping you manifest your dream 2023 and beyond and retrain your brain to focus on what you want using your Reticular Activating System (RAS).

What’s included:

  • A 45 minute Mind Movie Masterclass laying out the whole process, why it works and what kinds of images and desires to put into your Mind Movie.
  • A Canva training so you can easily drag and drop the pieces of your Mind Movie and not get stuck on the tech piece if its new to you!
  • A Canva template that you can copy and customize so making your Mind Movie is simple!
  • A sample Mind Movie you can watch for inspiration.
  • A resource doc with recommended songs and extra tools to help make your Mind Movie really reach your subconscious.

Plus, my best tips on what to do when it doesn’t seem like it’s working (how to keep the faith or know when to adjust!), how to make your movie even more aligned with your soul and how to ENJOY the process of creating instead of putting pressure on yourself!

What you need:

  • $1 to purchase a background song with (I’ll give you my suggestions!)
  • Some photos of yourself that you like and the ability to Google search/gather photos that represent your vision (you can download or take screenshots!)
  • An attitude of positive intent and willingness to experiment!
  • ~3 hours to watch the workshop and put your Mind Movie together.
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You'll get a 45 minute Mind Movie Training, plus Canva template & training to make creating your Mind Movie super simple!

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Retrain Your Brain with Mind Movies

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